Subscription Experience

Win back lost subscribers

Screenshots of a win back flow superimposed on packages of Open Farm products
Brickhouse nutrition products with a screenshot of their free gift flow on the left and a chart showcasing the success of the program on the right

Reactivate churned customers to unlock revenue

It's easy to write off lapsed subscribers but customer acquisition takes so much time and money. Utilize smart re-engagement strategies to bring them back as valuable subscribers.

There are seven to eight lapsed subscribers for every active one—a huge potential revenue source.

See success with tailored win back offers

Re-engage churned subscribers with personalized incentives to give your products another try. Target inactive customers with tailored incentives based on their original reasons for canceling, or offer bigger discounts to bigger spenders to reactivate revenue streams.

Container of Bobbie infant formula surrounded by screenshots of their tailored win back flow
LOLA products superimposed on a screenshot of the LOLA mobile website and illustrations of the ability to add blocks and adjust colors

Customize your outreach

Harness Recharge Quick Actions and our Klaviyo integration to craft branded email campaigns that grab customers’ attention and enable them to resubscribe effortlessly.

Or use Retain, our suite of advanced retention tools, to create custom reactivation pages that engage users with personalized offers and content, reinforcing your products’ value and boosting conversions.

Remove the friction from resubscribing

Quick Actions can direct customers to reactivation pages with pre-applied discount codes. Our Retain suite even enables secure one-click resubscription—no fumbling with passwords or authentication codes required.

Blueland gift flow featuring a free dish sponge

Turn inactive customers back into engaged subscribers with Recharge.